Quest Installation.

Below are instructions on downloading and installing the BIM Holoview application for the Quest.

If you need help with using the BIM Holoview application click here.

If you need help with your Revit model click here.

If you need help with exporting from Navisworks click here.

BIM Holoview

Download the application:

Download the APK file here

Install SideQuest

Follow steps 1-5 here.

Install the BIM Holoview APK
  1. Ensure you are logged into SideQuest, your device is connected and detected by SideQuest.
Oculus Quest detection in SideQuest
  1. Click on the "Install APK file from folder on computer" button in SideQuest.
Oculus Quest install button in SideQuest
  1. Navigate to the APK file you downloaded (BIMHoloview.apk) and click Open.

Running the BIM Holoview application
  1. Inside your Oculus Quest 2, click on the Apps buttong.
Oculus Quest home bar
  1. Click on the dropdown in the top right corner.
Oculus Quest applications
  1. Scroll to the bottom and select Unknown Sources.
Oculus Quest applications dropdown sources
  1. Click on the name of BIM Holoview to open the application.
Oculus Quest BIM Holoview application